Robert Dewar <> writes:

> Sebastian Pop wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 08:12, Robert Dewar <> wrote:
>>>> What would we have to do to make PPL and CLooG required to build GCC?
>>> Why would that be desirable? Seems to me the current situation is
>>> clearly preferable.
>> To enable loop transforms in -O3.
> To me, you would have to show very clearly a significant performance
> gain for typical applications to justify the impact of adding
> PPL and CLooG. I don't see it. If you want these transformations
> you can get them, why go to all this disruptive effort for the
> default optimization case?

I think his point was that they would be only widely used if they
were part of -O3 because likely most users are not willing to 
set individual -f optimization flags.


-- -- Speaking for myself only.

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