I created the cond-optab svn branch and finished committing the
cond-optab patches to it.  I also documented it in svn.html.

The branch was bootstrapped i686-pc-linux-gnu and is identical to the
tree that Kaz bootstrapped on sh4-linux.

The rest of this message details the plans for merging and further
testing of the branch.

(Sorry for the continuous spamming of updates---but I really need
reviewers now...)


The following patches can be transported to mainline independent of the
completion of the project.  I would like to merge these patches one at a
time, so reviews for these are welcome now.

r145593: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-03/msg00545.html (i386)
r145594: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-03/msg00545.html (s390)
r145595: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-03/msg00546.html (expand)
r145596: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-03/msg00548.html (i386,
s390, expand)
r145597, r145598, r145599:
http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-03/msg00947.html (gen*)
r145600: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-04/msg00497.html (expand)
r145601: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-03/msg01215.html (RTL)
r145603: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-04/msg00496.html (gen*, RTL)
r145611: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-03/msg00547.html (expand)
r145655: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-04/msg00492.html (testsuite)

They have basically zero interdependencies, so you can start reviewing
patches in your field *now*.  :-)


This includes everything else that is not in the list above.  While I
separated the patches on the branch to ease review and posting, they
will have to be committed together on trunk.

r145606: the big patch to expand, basically the fusion of everything
else I posted
r145610: the big patch to targets
r145656: fixlet for MIPS, thanks Richard for spotting it

All targets except PA and S390 produce the same or better code on the
tests of r145655 (I have patches to fix PA and S390).  The tests I
posted are quite complete, especially thanks to H-P and Bernd whose
early testing gave hints for improvements.  I fixed the reported issues
on Blackfin.

To aid testing, I'd like people to help bootstrapping bootstrappable
targets -- arm, alpha, ia64, pa, s390, x86_64.

For embedded targets, all supported targets build newlib but I can and
want to finish my long-promised assembly comparison tests; I hope to
fire it today and it will take a day or two to finish.  So if you test
the branch and realize you wasted your time, you were warned (but then
again, I don't think you'll waste your time) since the results are quite


A little more cleanup will be done directly on the mainline.  In
particular, in order of priority:

a. fixing PA and S390 pessimizations (patch ready)

b. improving the expansion of FP comparisons unsupported on the target
(same patch as a.)

c. tuning a few straight-line expansions in emit_store_flag which are
now performed more often

d. getting rid of useless target code due to item b.

That's all.

Index: svn.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/svn.html,v
retrieving revision 1.118
diff -u -r1.118 svn.html
--- svn.html    3 Apr 2009 21:52:05 -0000       1.118
+++ svn.html    7 Apr 2009 08:05:43 -0000
@@ -344,6 +344,14 @@
   Patches should be marked with the tag <code>[no-undefined-overflow]</code>
   in the subject line.  The branch is maintained by Richard Guenther.</dd>
+  <dt>cond-optab</dt>
+  <dd>This branch is to clean up and simplify the implementation of
+  conditional operations (branches, stores, moves, etc.) in expand
+  and in the machine descriptions.  Patches should be marked with the tag
+  <code>[cond-optab]</code> in the subject line.  The branch is maintained
+  by Paolo Bonzini.  Pending further testing, the branch is ready to be
+  merged into mainline and only bug and documentation fixes should be
+  committed.</dd>

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