On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Joseph S. Myers
<jos...@codesourcery.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Mar 2009, Mark Mitchell wrote:
>> The tasks that remain from branching.html are:
> I believe everything needed for starting the new release branch is now
> done apart from this:
>> 13. Asking Danny Berlin to adjust PRs.
> Daniel, could you change "4.4" to "4.4/4.5" in the summaries of all open
> PRs ("4.4 Regression" -> "4.4/4.5 Regression", etc.) (through database
> access, not manually editing each PR with the web interface)?

> Once this is done I'll deal with closing 4.2 branch (manually - branch
> closing involves interpreting the PR log for each 4.2 regression bug,
> unlike branch opening where anything present at 4.4 branchpoint is
> automatically present when 4.5 started).
> --
> Joseph S. Myers
> jos...@codesourcery.com

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