Hi Ho!

On Fri, 2009-03-06 at 15:29 +0100, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> > So while trapping variants can certainly be introduced it looks like
> > this task may be more difficult.
> I don't think you need to introduce trapping tree codes.  You can
> introduce them directly in the front-end as
>    s = x +nv y
>    (((s ^ x) & (s ^ y)) < 0) ? trap () : s

Could you please kindly explain a bit about it?

Suppose s, x, and y are 8-bit signed integer.
If x and y are -128, s = (-128) + (-128), which will overflow.
Now if suppose s is 0, ((0 ^ -128) & (0 ^ -128)) == -128, which is less
than zero and will trap. This is correct.
But, if s is -128, ((-128 ^ -128) & (-128 ^ -128)) is zero and will not
trap. This is incorrect, isn't this?

In short, why should s be included in the calculation?
Is it assumed that s is always zero?

Thank you very much for the explanation.

>    d = x -nv y
>    (((d ^ x) & (x ^ y)) < 0) ? trap () : d
>    (b == INT_MIN ? trap () : -nv b)
>    (int)((long long) a * (long long) b) == a *nv b ? trap () : a *nv b
> Making sure they are compiled efficiently is another story, but
> especially for the sake of LTO I think this is the way to go.
> Paolo

Best regards,
Eus (FSF member #4445)

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