>>>>> "Joe" == Joe Buck <joe.b...@synopsys.com> writes:

Joe> I do think that RMS overstepped the line that we had set up when he
Joe> told us to hold off on creating a release branch.  That was unprecedented
Joe> interference.

Then why acquiesce to it?

I've seen other statements on this thread indicating that the SC will
essentially give in to any demand from RMS.  It seems we have
collectively struck a bad deal that requires us to go against our own
better judgment... can we renegotiate?

Joe> Brad Kuhn said something to the effect that he considered RMS the
Joe> expert when it came to promoting the idea of free software, but
Joe> on technical matters RMS is just another developer.

That sounds like a better deal, but it isn't the one we actually have.
Instead it seems to me that we can only make certain kinds of progress
by neglecting to mention them to RMS.  Or has somebody told him about
C++ project yet?  :-)


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