On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Andrew Haley <a...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Peter Leist wrote:
>> I understand that, but at a given point in the program flow the assignment
>> of stack slot to a variable should be fixed.
> Should it?  We do some very drastic transformations in gcc, sometimes
> coalescing variables, sometimes eliminating them altogether, and
> sometimes creating new ones which have no equivalent in the source.
> This is all business as usual for an optimizing compiler.

Ok, I think I expressed my goals unclear. I do not want to link a slot 1:1
to a source-code variable. It is clear that such a relation does not exist
in an optimized code.

Maybe I have to ask the other way around: How can I find out
which stack slots of the current function may get changed be a called
function. Or in other words: At each call of an other function, I want to
know which stack slots (not variables) are passed as arguments via reference.

>> Every debugger should be able to tell that, or am I wrong? Can I probably
>> extract the information from debug data?
> Yes, but as I explain above the information is not going to be complete.

As stated above, I probably don't need complete information.


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