On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 3:43 AM, Piotr Wyderski <piotr.wyder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Could you please point me
> the "under the hood" features you think may be interesting for
> me? I mean (presumming that there are) the extended type info,
> class layout description (e.g. in order to implement reflections
> and GC), the __cxa* function ZOO, stable compiler-wide assumptions
> in the places where the language standard is unclear or anything
> like that. A reference to their documentation will be appreciated.

So for C++, GCC follows the ia64 C++ ABI (except for arm-eabi but that
is a derivative of that ABI with slight differences).  So you should
read that ABI.  It is listed in further readings part of GCC's web
page IIRC.

Andrew Pinski

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