On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 11:03:51AM -0800, Anthony Newnam wrote:
> Thanks Joe.
> As far as I know the problem I'm seeing isn't a regression but perhaps
> this script could still be useful. I don't really understand how it is
> supposed to work, since it doesn't appear be working off svn updates.

I haven't looked at it in years, so I can't help you there.  When Janis
first wrote the script gcc was still using CVS.  But it should be useful
as a starting point.

> Should I do something like a binary svn search between revisions
> 124707 and 132947? It takes such a long amount of time to compile g++,
> almost a half an hour with my quad core, that it didn't seem practical
> try to do build so many times. I guess there is probably a way to
> build g++ without the rest of gcc, but I haven't seen an option for
> it.

Yes. It would suffice to only build phase 1 of g++, without any libraries,
to do what you want, so that should be faster.  You don't need a full
bootstrap.  If the endpoints you list are correct, that's 8240 revisions
to search, but a binary search only needs to try ceil(log2(8240))
revisions, or 14.  So if each build and test takes 30 minutes, you'll
have your answer in seven hours.

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