Dear all,

Zbigniew and I prepared a page on GCC Wiki comparing several current plugin
mechanisms (some parts should be updated) with some suggestions to move forward:
In case we mixed up or misunderstood something about other plugin
efforts, update this page, please ...

Basically, we currently see 3 complementary categories of GCC plugins, 
on the nature of the extension: production, experimentation/research, and new 
integration. Each category naturally calls for slightly different API features. 

Considering that there are already communities behind "production" and 
"experimental" plugins,
we think that it would be better to merge two. We will try to prepare a small 
patch to support 
"experimental" plugins by the beginning of next week. In the mean time, would 
like to know your 
thoughts on that matter and how should we proceed forward !..

Grigori & Zbigniew

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