
Trunk remains in Stage 4 (regression and documentation fixes mode).

GCC 4.4 will be branched when there are no open P1 regressions for 4.4
and the runtime library sources have been converted to GPLv3 with the
new licensing exception; the number of P1, P2 and P3 regressions has
been below 100 for some time.

The licensing exception is waiting for the FSF to confirm to the SC
exactly what wording should go in source files using the exception and
whether any changes to the exception are to be made to address the
possible issues discussed on this list.  Nick Clifton is ready to make
the source file changes once the decisions from the FSF are available.

After 4.4 is branched and the various steps in the branching checklist
have been followed, 4.4.0-rc1 will be created from the branch and
trunk will be open for 4.5 development.  It is likely that 4.5 will
follow the same sequence of stages as 4.4, with a Stage 1 of four
months or more being followed directly by Stage 3, and the expectation
of 4.5 branching around a year after 4.4.  The timing of the start of
Stage 3 may be adjusted depending on when particular development
projects are ready to merge, if it seems desirable to delay to allow
particular major developments (such as LTO) in.

Quality Data

Priority          #     Change from Last Report
--------        ---     -----------------------
P1                3     +  2
P2               81     - 10
P3                1     +  1
--------        ---     -----------------------
Total            85     -  7

Previous Report

The next report for 4.4.0 will be sent by Mark.  The first report for
4.5.0 will be sent by whoever creates the 4.4 branch.

Joseph S. Myers

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