Joseph S. Myers wrote:

> The tm.h headers are a lot of essentially host-side code with a few macros 
> such as LIBGCC2_LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE that affect target-side code in some 
> cases.  But if we should add the exception to over 80000 lines of code 
> (the amount of config/*.h and config/*/*.h headers currently under GPLv3, 
> which may not be the exact set of tm.h headers) for the sake of those 
> macros, we can of course do so.

Yes.  It's not like this is some big loophole; it's unlikely that you
can do anything proprietary with tm.h files.  The bottom line is that
the run-time libraries need to be free of any GPLv3 code that doesn't
have the exception to avoid frightening people.  That's critical.

> (Ideally the host-side and target-side tm.h headers would be separate with 
> the latter being in the libgcc directory and only defining those macros 
> needed on the target side, but that's a much more involved change.)

Indeed.  And, of course, once the libgcc bits are split out, then we
should remove the exception from the tm.h files.

> Does this mean the transition does not block 4.4 branching and if no-one 
> has volunteered to prepare a patch and got the patch ready by the time 4.4 
> branches it should just go on trunk for 4.5?

I think this change should be part of 4.4.  I was planning to work on
some of the patch bits myself, and to ask others to volunteer for some
of the other bits.


Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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