As no volunteers to produce a further 4.2 release or releases have come forward since the last status report <>, I propose to close the 4.2 branch after 4.4 is branched and all the steps in the branching checklist <> have been completed for 4.4. This seems likely to be some time in January.
This means disabling snapshots and nightly DATESTAMP updates for the branch, closing bugs that are open as 4.2 regressions but fixed in 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5, and removing "4.2/" from the summaries of 4.2 regression bugs that remain open as also being regressions in future releases. In each case, the milestones will be updated accordingly if presently set to a 4.2 release (remember the milestone of a closed bug represents the version in which it was fixed), as will the "known to work" and "known to fail" information. If anyone wishes to produce one or more further releases from 4.2 branch before it is closed, and to carry out the closing process after making those releases (which takes several hours to interpret the bug report logs of hundreds of bugs as to what if any release the bug is completely fixed in), they should volunteer now. I think the SC will then need to approve them as a 4.2 release manager. -- Joseph S. Myers