Andrew Haley <> writes:

> Andreas Schwab wrote:
>> Andrew Haley <> writes:
>>> Andreas Schwab wrote:
>>>> Why is the libjava directory configured with raw_cxx?
>>>> Makefile.def:151:target_modules = { module= libjava; raw_cxx=true; };
>>>> The problem with this is that it keeps the libtool test for dynamic
>>>> linker characteristics from working properly, due to the undefined
>>>> reference to __gxx_personality_v0 which is defined in libstdc++.
>>> We don't want libstdc++ linked in libgcj.
>>> If the libtool test wants libstdc++, then it's up to the libtool test
>>> to include libstdc++.  Nobody else wants it.
>> It's not libtool that wants it, but gcc, by generating the reference to
>> __gxx_personality_v0.
> Well, yes.  I don't quite see your point.

It's a generic link test, independent of the language that the compiler
accepts.  It just assumes that the compiler works.


Andreas Schwab, SuSE Labs,
SuSE Linux Products GmbH, Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
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