
The trunk remains Stage 4, so only fixes for regressions (and changes
to documentation) are allowed.

As stated previously, the GCC 4.4 branch will be created when there
are no open P1s and the total number of P1, P2, and P3 regressions is
under 100.  We're close -- there are 5 P1s, and 105 total regressions.

(I see that one of the P1s is assigned to me; I will be trying to fix
that today.)

The other issue that remains is removing the old register allocator.
Vladimir, it's time to do this.  What -- if anything -- is preventing

Quality Data

Priority          #     Change from Last Report
--------        ---     -----------------------
P1                5     -  4
P2              100     -  5
P3                0     - 11
--------        ---     -----------------------
Total           105     - 20

Previous Report

The next report for 4.4.0 will be sent by Richard.

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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