Hi -

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 10:49:48AM +0530, mal reddy y wrote:

> The libmudflap.log contains ,
> [...]
> Executing on mips-sony-linux: /tmp/fail10-frag.exe.32708    (timeout = 3000)
> call---------remote
> standard exec
> Executing mips-sony-linux:/tmp/fail10-frag.exe.32708  <
> /*usr/bin/ssh output is *******
> mudflap violation 1 (check/write): [...]
> XYZ0ZYX [...then more libmudflap output...]
> *FAIL: libmudflap.c/fail10-frag.c crash test*

It appears as though the remote-executed program fails to return a
failed rc to the dejagnu rsh wrapper (in the XYZ0ZYX string).  So
dejagnu thinks that the task succeeded, even though it was supposed to
abort().  I don't know why that would be - maybe something's odd with
the mips toolchain or glibc or somesuch.

- FChE

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