On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 01:55:01PM +0100, Mikael Morin wrote:
> Steve Kargl wrote:
> > Dear Absoft,
> > 
> > Please fix the errors on your web page:
> > 
> > http://www.absoft.com/Absoft_Windows_Compiler.htm
> > 
> Do you really think they will change their webpage to one that
> explicitly states that their compiler has a competitor with comparable
> features, which is at least as fast, supports more platforms and is
> available for free?

Hopefully, the answer is yes.  I've exchanged a few emails with an
Absoft employee, yesterday.  Seems the marketing department may
have recycled old info (e.g., they appear to be unaware that g77
was removed from GCC over 4 years ago).

As pault suggests, Absoft is trying to convey that it is a total
integrated package with an IDE, graphical debugger, additional
libraries, etc.

With regard to the top 10% performance, Absoft is simply comparing
the overall mean performance numbers from the Polyhedron Benchmark.
gfortran will never look good by that metric because there are at
least 2 programs that would benefit from in-lining non-contained
subprograms and intraprocedural optimization.  gfortran doesn't do
these, yet.

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