I'd like to apologize for sending this report so late.


The GCC 4.3 branch is open for regression and documentation fixes.
The number of P1s grew a little bit, so the 4.3.3 release
will need to be delayed by a few days until they are resolved
or downgraded.  Out of the 5 P1s, 2 were already fixed on the trunk
and I'll just need to retest them in 4.3, one had a patch posted but
no progress after patch review, one needs reghunt and analysis,
one is currently assigned.  Once all the P1s are resolved, 4.3.3 rc
will be prepared.

Quality Data

Priority          #     Change from Last Report
--------        ---     -----------------------
P1                5     +  3
P2              130     +  9
P3                3     -  1
--------        ---     -----------------------
Total           138     + 11

Previous Report


The next report for the 4.3 branch will be sent by Mark.

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