I basically need to test the retarget ability of named address spaces, and it was determined that the best way to do this was to attempt to have the SPU implementation spit out a few assembly mnemonics that resemble what our architecture uses to handle multiple address spaces(hence the loads and stores). Then I have to see if I can make it generate errors when mutually exclusive address spaces are used interchangeably. Changing binutils would be the next step, however this is more of a proof of concept so my manager and I can see if gcc can be presented as an alternative compiler for our core.
> The machine description is responsible for generating the assembly text > (you'll see plenty of obvious examples of this). Once the compiler is > emitting the right assembly source (compile with -S and inspect), then > you need to move onto the binutils to make the assembler recognise these > mnemonics. > Thanks, I have been using -S and reading examples/documentation on how to make RTLs. The SPU port is large and it gets a little tedious trying to experiment with RTL within it. I am trying to find a smaller template port to practice changing machine descriptions until I understand the necessary changes. Thanks for the help =^D, Gobi.