2008/8/14 Aldy Hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Aldy> 1. beginning/ending locations functionality as Joseph suggests.
>> Aldy> 2. make sure the parsers pick the proper token/location.
>> Aldy> 3. error reporting machinery
>> Aldy> How does this sound?
>> It sounds good to me.  #1 might be hard, I have not looked into it.
> Well, we can always start with that which produces the most bang for the
> buck, #2.  I'd rather have a caret at the beginning of the error, than
> no caret at all.  Then we can expand to beginning and end.
>> ISTR Manuel having a patch for caret diagnostic output... ?
> Is this manu at gcc.gnu.org?  If so, copying him.

I just send my current patch.


I was planning to submit it formally later this week but you were
faster than the GCC Farm can test my patch.



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