Steve Perkins wrote: > I have a question about using GCC/GCJ to compile a Java application > which uses the SWT framework for its GUI, and whether this locks you in > or out of any licensing options. I apologize in advance if this > question is somewhat off-topic... I searched "" for a mailing > list specifically directed toward licensing discussion and came up empty. > > The SWT is covered by the Eclipse Public License (EPL), which does > not bind you to use the EPL for programs which merely link to SWT > without modifying it (Question #27 at > > However, the FSF considers the EPL to be incompatible with the GPL. > I'm not sure what impact (if any) this would have on my desire to write > a GPL'ed application from scratch, which links to SWT for its GUI.
You couldn't do that. However, libgcj carries with it an exception that allows you to link non-GPL code. Look at the licence for more details. Andrew.