Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 10:05:26 +0200

> On Sun, 2008-06-22 at 00:45 -0700, David Miller wrote:
> > > How many core does your main development machine have?
> > 
> > 8 cores and 8 cpu threads per core on one, 64 cpus total.
> > 16 cores and 8 cpu threads per core on another, 128 cpus total.
> > 
> > It still takes an hour or so to bootstrap on these machines because
> > the individual cpu threads are slow and individual expensive
> > compilations become the bottleneck, especially in the libjava build.
> Did you measure how long insn-attrtab.o generation takes?
> See my other email, on a 2.2 GHz barcelona it's about 5mn20s (for each
> stage) and it's the main limiting factor (but I assume it's architecture
> dependant).

On Sparc, which is what these systems are and the cpu I target with
gcc, insn-attrtab.o compilation is not expensive.

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