As a general rule, it's best to try building the source and installing
it; that will get you the most repeatable results and the most
informative help from mailing lists.
If you're getting errors during the source build, please send the text
of the error and a description of what you did to the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]
" mailing list. As a general rule, your Linux distribution version
should not matter for this.
Sean Callanan
On Jun 19, 2008, at 7:40 PM, Sophia Han wrote:
It seems that GCC 4.3.1 does not like the SuSE 10. 2v. It failed
when I
install GCC 4.3.1 on my linux machine. Should I upgrade to SuSE 11v
order to use GCC 4.3.1 or what do you suggest?
Antoniu Pop wrote:
I am currently working on installing OpenMP(2.5v or 3.0v
on my linux machine (GCC 4.1.2 SuSE10.2). It requires at least
GCC 4.3 version. It seems
that I need to upgrade to GCC4.3.1 or GCC 4.4 from my current
version of
GCC 4.1.2. Which GCC version do you suggest in order to use
OpenMP on my linux machine?
For the time being OpenMP 2.5 is supported in GCC 4.3, so that's what
I'd recommend.
If you need OpenMP 3.0 features, you need to wait for GCC 4.4,
otherwise GCC 4.3.1 would be the best choice.