On Thursday 19 of June 2008 19:26:27 Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> Jens-Michael Hoffmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> No.  I've flipped the branch to start compiling the source files in
> >> gcc with C++.  Unfortunately a number of issues will need to be
> >> addressed before all the code will compile in C++.  Most of this work
> >> can and will be contributed back to mainline gcc as well.
> >>
> >> I'll send out a note when everything on the branch compiles in C++.
> >
> > Is there a todo list? I would like to contribute to this branch, how can
> > I help?
> Well, one approach would be to compile code on the branch.  Where it
> fails, fix it so that it compiles.  Then, if appropriate, move the
> patch back to mainline, test the patch there, and submit it for
> mainline.
> The other major TODO is to work out the details of using STL
> containers with GC allocated objects.

there's also a http://www.aei.mpg.de/~peekas/tree/ that may be useful
for modeling abstract trees used in compiler.

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