As I promised at the summit today, I have created the branch
gcc-in-cxx (I originally said gcc-in-c++, but I decided that it was
better to avoid possible meta-characters).  The goal of this branch is
to develop a version of gcc which is compiled with C++.  Here are my
presentation slides in PDF format: .

I have not yet committed any patches to the branch--at present it is
just a copy of the trunk.  I will start committing patches soon, and
anybody else may submit patches as well.  The branch will follow the
usual gcc maintainership rules, except that any non-algorithmic
maintainer may additionally approve or commit patches which permit
compilation with C++.

I have committed the appended patch to htdocs/svn.html.


Index: svn.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/svn.html,v
retrieving revision 1.86
diff -u -r1.86 svn.html
--- svn.html	12 Jun 2008 14:22:37 -0000	1.86
+++ svn.html	18 Jun 2008 06:00:13 -0000
@@ -410,6 +410,14 @@
   <code>[function-specific]</code> in the subject line.
   The branch is maintained by Michael Meissner.</dd>
+  <dt>gcc-in-cxx</dt>
+  <dd>This branch is for converting gcc to be written in C++.  Patches
+  should be marked with the tag <code>[gcc-in-cxx]</code> in the
+  subject line.  This branch operates under the general gcc
+  maintainership rules, except that any non-algorithmic maintainer is
+  additionally permitted to approve changes which permit compilation
+  with C++.  The branch is maintained by Ian Lance Taylor.</dd>

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