In porting GCC to our VLIW, we would like to implement #pragma unroll to
manually specify unrolling factor, hoping to achieve better performance
in some cases without changing code itself. As far as I know, #pragma
unroll is present in both HPUX aCC and INTEL icc. I examined pragma
implementations of some other GCC targets (arm, m32c, etc). It seems
that these pragmas are interchangeable with __attribute__, meaning they
are attached to either a type or a declaration. But for loop, it is
neither a type or a declaration. In fact, when I tracked into GCC,
LOOP_EXPR related stuff is never used. Do/while/for loops are lowered to
individual statements in parsing stage. At best, I can find a compound
statement (statement_list) that represent a loop. Maybe I can invent
some attribute for unrolling factor and attach it to the compound
statement.  But I am not sure whether later optimization (before loop
unrolling) will remove or change it. I also need to change many places
in the gcc code itself, which is not nice. Is there any better way to do
this? Thanks in advance.

BTW, I am working on GCC 4.3.0. Is there any future plan for GCC to
implement #pragma unroll or provide infrastructure to implement similar
#pragma? I can see it will be quite useful for many targets. 

Bingfeng Mei
Broadcom UK

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