Committed as obvious.
This was already in my sources (for another reason) when I tested Kai's patch.
Sorry for not noticing.


        * libgcc2.c [L_trampoline]: Remove unnecessary prototype for
        Windows VirtualProtect function.

Index: libgcc2.c
--- libgcc2.c   (revision 134329)
+++ libgcc2.c   (working copy)
@@ -2058,10 +2058,6 @@

-#ifdef __i386__
-extern int VirtualProtect (char *, int, int, int *) __attribute__((stdcall));
 mprotect (char *addr, int len, int prot)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: FX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, 16 April 2008 12:28 a.m.
> To: GCC Development; Danny Smith
> Subject: Bootstrap failure on native mingw32
> I'm not exactly sure how this one was introduced, but a bootstrap on
> native i686-pc-mingw32 dies in stage1 libgcc with:
> ../../../trunk/libgcc/../gcc/libgcc2.c:2052: warning: no previous
> prototype for 'getpagesize'
> ../../../trunk/libgcc/../gcc/libgcc2.c:2062: error: conflicting types
> for 'VirtualProtect'
> c:/MinGW/include/winbase.h:1995: error: previous declaration of
> 'VirtualProtect' was here
> ../../../trunk/libgcc/../gcc/libgcc2.c:2066: warning: no previous
> prototype for 'mprotect'
> The prototype for VirtualProtect in libgcc2.c is:
>   extern int VirtualProtect (char *, int, int, int *) 
> __attribute__((stdcall));
> In <winbase.h>, it is:
>   BOOL __attribute__((__stdcall__)) 
> with:
>   typedef unsigned long DWORD;
>   typedef int WINBOOL;
>   typedef WINBOOL BOOL;
>   typedef DWORD *PDWORD;
>   typedef void *PVOID;
> Does that ring a bell to anyone? Any idea why it's showing up now even
> though it looks like this code wasn't modified in the recent past (and
> my winbase.h hasn't changed since my last successful bootstrap, a
> month ago).
> Thanks,
> FX
> PS: My exact configure line is: ../trunk/configure --prefix=/mingw
> --enable-languages=c,fortran --with-gmp=/home/FX/local
> --with-ld=/mingw/bin/ld --with-as=/mingw/bin/as --disable-werror
> --enable-bootstrap --enable-threads --disable-nls
> --build=i586-pc-mingw32 --enable-libgomp --disable-shared
> -- 
> FX Coudert

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