
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Tom Tromey wrote:

> >>>>> "Joe" == Joe Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Joe> It's best to ignore J.C. Pizarro.  He's an attention-seeking troll,
> Joe> who has just enough technical knowledge to derail conversation.
> I think that if we've reached the point where an SC member feels the
> need to post disclaimers about someone's posts, then that someone
> ought to simply be banned.
> I know this is extreme, and as far as I know we've never done it
> before.

Actually I think we did it once, in the late 90's (or even early 2000's?).  
I can't remember that trolls name, but we discussed banning him, and I 
think we did in the end.


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