On 20/03, Arnaud Charlet wrote:

| Maybe that's partly because you are not following closely the development of
| GCC and are not familiar with the GCC stages. Submitting patches during
| stage3 (in particular end of stage3) is not really the most appropriate time,
| so it's often better to wait for stage 1 or stage 2 for such submissions.

I was under the impression that stage 3 was perfectly fine to
submit bug fixes. Of the 5 patches I mentionned in the first mail
of this thread, 4 were bug fixes fitting the description outlined in
http://gcc.gnu.org/develop.html: "the only (non-documentation) changes
that may be made are changes that fix bugs or new ports which do not
require changes to other parts of the compiler."

Asking contributors to wait for stage 1 or 2 to submit bug fixes to the
Ada compiler is not a good way to encourage contributions. As a result,
those four bugs are still present in GCC 4.3.0 while fixes were proposed
in November, and since they were not regressions, are not likely to be
fixed in GCC 4.3.x releases either and will have to wait for GCC 4.4.0.


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