On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 12:22:55PM -0800, Mike Stump wrote:
> On Feb 22, 2008, at 12:14 PM, Kaveh R. Ghazi wrote:
> >If someone steps forward, are you allowed to follow the patches list
> We can't read the patches nor gcc list.
> >and give feedback and/or approve patches for new contributors?  I  
> >assume this is possible since you helped out with objc++ review for  
> >me just recently.
> Only because I was cced on it.

I guess that I'm still not clear on the restrictions you are under.
We could ask people to cc proposed darwin patches to you, but if
we ask people to do that routinely, then you're effectively on the list
again.  So, should we ask people to cc patches to you, or not?

In any case, it sounds like we urgently need a Darwin maintainer who
doesn't work for Apple, or else I don't see how Darwin can be supported
as a primary platform.

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