On Feb 7, 2008 11:33 AM, Pavan R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Andrew, > > Thanks for the response. The question was, how was the libgcc that > was shipped with suse 10 SP1 > was incompatible with our RHEL3 compiled program , whereas replacing > the libgcc with a latest one works fine ? > Are there any compat issues dealt in libgcc recent releases ? > > At the first case , we werent in favour of replacing libgcc on our > machines. Now then we figured out a latest version of libgcc > helps in resolving the case , we want to know are there any specific > fixes went in the releases of libgcc that address our issue.
You should ask this question RedHat and SUSE, not the GCC community (which would say, libgcc is upward compatible - that is, you need at least libgcc of the version that you built against). Both RedHat and SUSE are known of patching their compilers which might result in features backported and thus make a libgcc of lesser version really be a newer one than it appears (you can tell from the highest symbol version used - look at the output of objdump -T in the column with the 'GCC_x.y.z' numbers) Richard.