"If the old GNU extern inline behavior is desired, one can use extern
inline __attribute__((__gnu_inline__)). The use of this attribute can
be guarded by #ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ which is a macro which is
defined when inline has the ISO C99 behavior, or compiled with
-fgnu89-inline option."

I think this is phrased a bit confusingly, the "or compiled with ..."
branch refers to the first sentence, but is part of the second
sentence which makes it seem like it's related to the macro.

This must be the english language equivalent of a dangling else.

The attached patch makes it clearer to me, does anyone agree?

Index: htdocs/gcc-4.3/porting_to.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/gcc-4.3/porting_to.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -r1.1 porting_to.html
--- htdocs/gcc-4.3/porting_to.html	12 Jan 2008 00:35:30 -0000	1.1
+++ htdocs/gcc-4.3/porting_to.html	12 Jan 2008 03:29:16 -0000
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ If the old GNU extern inline behavior is
 use <code>extern inline __attribute__((__gnu_inline__))</code>. The
 use of this attribute can be guarded by <code>#ifdef
 __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__</code> which is a macro which is defined when
-inline has the ISO C99 behavior, or compiled
-with <code>-fgnu89-inline</code> option.
+inline has the ISO C99 behavior. Alternatively the code can be compiled
+with the <code>-fgnu89-inline</code> option.
 <p>The resulting, changed code looks like:</p>

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