Hi, "J. Finch" wrote on 10.01.2008 15:23:56:
> > on the issue as stated in the subject regarding x86_64-pc-mingw64, I > have downloaded MS debugger as suggested by FX, and I attach the > logs where command "p" is stepping. > > fortran Program, c.f90, for test, one statement only > [program begin] > end > [program end] > > The command "cdb gfortran c.f90" output "without.log". This one is good. > The command "cdb gfortran -O1 c.f90" output the log "with.log" . > > *** attention: attachment may break long line into two*** If you > need further information, please let me know. > > > [without.log] > Symbol search path is: *** Invalid *** > **************************************************************************** > * Symbol loading may be unreliable without a symbol search path. * > * Use .symfix to have the debugger choose a symbol path. * > * After setting your symbol path, use .reload to refresh symbol locations. * > **************************************************************************** > Executable search path is: > ModLoad: 00000000`00400000 00000000`0043c000 image00000000`00400000 > ModLoad: 00000000`77ec0000 00000000`77ff9000 ntdll.dll > ModLoad: 00000000`77d40000 00000000`77eb3000 C: > \WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll > ModLoad: 000007ff`7fc00000 000007ff`7fc86000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll > ModLoad: 00000000`77c20000 00000000`77d2c000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll > ModLoad: 000007ff`7fc90000 000007ff`7fd2c000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll > (8b0.5b4): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance) > *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export > symbols for ntdll.dll - > ntdll!DbgBreakPoint: > 00000000`77ef2aa0 cc int 3 > 0:000> p > ntdll!DbgBreakPoint+0x1: > 00000000`77ef2aa1 c3 ret > 0:000> p > ntdll!LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcbc: > 00000000`77f1bbcc 8b95bc000000 mov edx,dword ptr [rbp+0BCh] > ss:000007ff`fffd80bc=00000070 > 0:000> p > ntdll!LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcc2: > 00000000`77f1bbd2 d1ea shr edx,1 > 0:000> p > ntdll!LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcc4: > 00000000`77f1bbd4 80e201 and dl,1 > 0:000> p > ntdll!LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcc7: > 00000000`77f1bbd7 8815bdb30800 mov byte ptr [ntdll! > NlsMbOemCodePageTag+0x882 (00000000`77fa6f9a)],dl ds:00000000`77fa6f9a=00 > 0:000> p > ntdll!LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xccd: > 00000000`77f1bbdd e9939bfbff jmp ntdll! > CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3b5 (00000000`77ed5775) > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3b5: > 00000000`77ed5775 488bb42410010000 mov rsi,qword ptr [rsp+110h] > ss:00000000`0022f7e0=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3bd: > 00000000`77ed577d 4885f6 test rsi,rsi > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3c0: > 00000000`77ed5780 0f855c640400 jne ntdll! > LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcd2 (00000000`77f1bbe2) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3c6: > 00000000`77ed5786 498bcd mov rcx,r13 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3c9: > 00000000`77ed5789 e852e2ffff call ntdll! > CsrClientConnectToServer+0x2f0 (00000000`77ed39e0) > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3ce: > 00000000`77ed578e 4533e4 xor r12d,r12d > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3d1: > 00000000`77ed5791 498bcf mov rcx,r15 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3d4: > 00000000`77ed5794 e8d78f0000 call ntdll! > RtlDeregisterWait+0x640 (00000000`77ede770) > 0:000> p > ModLoad: 000007ff`7d500000 000007ff`7d539000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL > ModLoad: 000007ff`7fee0000 000007ff`7ffe5000 C: > \WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll > ModLoad: 000007ff`7fd30000 000007ff`7fec9000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll > ModLoad: 000007ff`7e9c0000 000007ff`7e9e2000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll > ModLoad: 000007ff`69300000 000007ff`6930d000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\LPK.DLL > ModLoad: 000007ff`78e80000 000007ff`78f0e000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USP10.dll > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3d9: > 00000000`77ed5799 85c0 test eax,eax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3db: > 00000000`77ed579b 8bd8 mov ebx,eax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3dd: > 00000000`77ed579d 0f8861640400 js ntdll! > LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcf4 (00000000`77f1bc04) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3e3: > 00000000`77ed57a3 833d86ea0c0000 cmp dword ptr [ntdll! > pow+0x2230 (00000000`77fa4230)],0 ds:00000000`77fa4230=00000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3ea: > 00000000`77ed57aa 0f858e640400 jne ntdll! > LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xd2e (00000000`77f1bc3e) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3f0: > 00000000`77ed57b0 488b8530020000 mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+230h] > ss:000007ff`fffd8230=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3f7: > 00000000`77ed57b7 4885c0 test rax,rax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3fa: > 00000000`77ed57ba 0f85c7640400 jne ntdll! > LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xd77 (00000000`77f1bc87) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x400: > 00000000`77ed57c0 4d85ed test r13,r13 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x403: > 00000000`77ed57c3 0f85c6640400 jne ntdll! > LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xd7f (00000000`77f1bc8f) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x409: > 00000000`77ed57c9 33c0 xor eax,eax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x40b: > 00000000`77ed57cb e92ee6ffff jmp ntdll! > RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x10e > (00000000`77ed3dfe) > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x10e: > 00000000`77ed3dfe 660f6fb424b0020000 movdqa xmm6,xmmword ptr > [rsp+2B0h] ss:00000000`0022f980=00000000000000000000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x117: > 00000000`77ed3e07 eb4a jmp ntdll! > RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x163(00000000`77ed3e53) > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x163: > 00000000`77ed3e53 488bb424f0020000 mov rsi,qword ptr [rsp+2F0h] > ss:00000000`0022f9c0=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x16b: > 00000000`77ed3e5b eb2a jmp ntdll! > RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x197(00000000`77ed3e87) > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x197: > 00000000`77ed3e87 4c8bbc24c8020000 mov r15,qword ptr [rsp+2C8h] > ss:00000000`0022f998={ntdll (00000000`77ec0000)} > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x19f: > 00000000`77ed3e8f 4c8bb424d0020000 mov r14,qword ptr [rsp+2D0h] > ss:00000000`0022f9a0=000000000022fab0 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1a7: > 00000000`77ed3e97 4c8bac24d8020000 mov r13,qword ptr [rsp+2D8h] > ss:00000000`0022f9a8=0000000000000003 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1af: > 00000000`77ed3e9f 4c8ba424e0020000 mov r12,qword ptr [rsp+2E0h] > ss:00000000`0022f9b0=0000000000000001 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1b7: > 00000000`77ed3ea7 488bbc24e8020000 mov rdi,qword ptr [rsp+2E8h] > ss:00000000`0022f9b8=000007fffffd8000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1bf: > 00000000`77ed3eaf 488bac2418030000 mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp+318h] > ss:00000000`0022f9e8=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1c7: > 00000000`77ed3eb7 488b9c2410030000 mov rbx,qword ptr [rsp+310h] > ss:00000000`0022f9e0=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1cf: > *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export > symbols for C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll - > 00000000`77ed3ebf 488b8c24a0020000 mov rcx,qword ptr [rsp+2A0h] > ss:00000000`0022f970=0000000077e163a9 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1d7: > 00000000`77ed3ec7 e8b4fe0100 call ntdll! > RtlAllocateHeap+0x1f0 (00000000`77ef3d80) > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1dc: > 00000000`77ed3ecc 4881c4f8020000 add rsp,2F8h > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1e3: > 00000000`77ed3ed3 c3 ret > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x46f: > 00000000`77ed582f 8bd8 mov ebx,eax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x471: > 00000000`77ed5831 89442430 mov dword ptr [rsp+30h],eax > ss:00000000`0022fa00=00000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x475: > 00000000`77ed5835 85c0 test eax,eax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x477: > 00000000`77ed5837 0f883a510400 js ntdll! > LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback+0x197 (00000000`77f1a977) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x47d: > 00000000`77ed583d 488b8f18030000 mov rcx,qword ptr [rdi+318h] > ds:000007ff`fffd8318=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x484: > 00000000`77ed5844 4885c9 test rcx,rcx > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x487: > 00000000`77ed5847 0f8563510400 jne ntdll! > LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback+0x1d0 (00000000`77f1a9b0) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x48d: > 00000000`77ed584d eb00 jmp ntdll! > CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x48f (00000000`77ed584f) > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x48f: > 00000000`77ed584f c605ba160d0000 mov byte ptr [ntdll! > NlsMbOemCodePageTag+0x7f8 (00000000`77fa6f10)],0 ds:00000000`77fa6f10=01 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x496: > 00000000`77ed5856 85db test ebx,ebx > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x498: > 00000000`77ed5858 0f88794c0200 js ntdll!wcsrchr+0x197 > (00000000`77efa4d7) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x49e: > 00000000`77ed585e 833d8b1b0d0000 cmp dword ptr [ntdll! > NlsMbOemCodePageTag+0xcd8 (00000000`77fa73f0)],0 ds:00000000`77fa73f0=00000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x4a5: > 00000000`77ed5865 0f8566510400 jne ntdll! > LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback+0x1f1 (00000000`77f1a9d1) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x4ab: > 00000000`77ed586b f0ff05821b0d00 lock inc dword ptr [ntdll! > NlsMbOemCodePageTag+0xcdc (00000000`77fa73f4)] ds:00000000`77fa73f4=00000001 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x4b2: > 00000000`77ed5872 8b5c2430 mov ebx,dword ptr [rsp+30h] > ss:00000000`0022fa00=00000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x4b6: > 00000000`77ed5876 e95c4c0200 jmp ntdll!wcsrchr+0x197 > (00000000`77efa4d7) > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x197: > 00000000`77efa4d7 e8e476ffff call ntdll!NtTestAlert > (00000000`77ef1bc0) > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x19c: > 00000000`77efa4dc 85db test ebx,ebx > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x19e: > 00000000`77efa4de 0f8877050200 js ntdll! > LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback+0x27b (00000000`77f1aa5b) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1a4: > 00000000`77efa4e4 eb00 jmp ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1a6 > (00000000`77efa4e6) > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1a6: > 00000000`77efa4e6 488b9c24f8000000 mov rbx,qword ptr [rsp+0F8h] > ss:00000000`0022fac8=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1ae: > 00000000`77efa4ee 488bb424d0000000 mov rsi,qword ptr [rsp+0D0h] > ss:00000000`0022faa0=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1b6: > 00000000`77efa4f6 488bbc24c8000000 mov rdi,qword ptr [rsp+0C8h] > ss:00000000`0022fa98=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1be: > 00000000`77efa4fe 4c8ba424c0000000 mov r12,qword ptr [rsp+0C0h] > ss:00000000`0022fa90=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1c6: > 00000000`77efa506 4c8bac24b8000000 mov r13,qword ptr [rsp+0B8h] > ss:00000000`0022fa88=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1ce: > 00000000`77efa50e 4c8bb424b0000000 mov r14,qword ptr [rsp+0B0h] > ss:00000000`0022fa80=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1d6: > 00000000`77efa516 4c8bbc24a8000000 mov r15,qword ptr [rsp+0A8h] > ss:00000000`0022fa78=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1de: > 00000000`77efa51e 4881c4d8000000 add rsp,0D8h > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1e5: > 00000000`77efa525 c3 ret > 0:000> p > ntdll!KiUserApcDispatcher+0x15: > 00000000`77ef30a5 488bcc mov rcx,rsp > 0:000> p > ntdll!KiUserApcDispatcher+0x18: > 00000000`77ef30a8 b201 mov dl,1 > 0:000> p > ntdll!KiUserApcDispatcher+0x1a: > 00000000`77ef30aa e861ddffff call ntdll!NtContinue (00000000`77ef0e10) > 0:000> p > ntdll!ZwTerminateProcess+0xa: > 00000000`77ef0caa c3 ret > 0:000> > > > > [with.log] > Symbol search path is: *** Invalid *** > **************************************************************************** > * Symbol loading may be unreliable without a symbol search path. * > * Use .symfix to have the debugger choose a symbol path. * > * After setting your symbol path, use .reload to refresh symbol locations. * > **************************************************************************** > Executable search path is: > ModLoad: 00000000`00400000 00000000`0043c000 image00000000`00400000 > ModLoad: 00000000`77ec0000 00000000`77ff9000 ntdll.dll > ModLoad: 00000000`77d40000 00000000`77eb3000 C: > \WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll > ModLoad: 000007ff`7fc00000 000007ff`7fc86000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll > ModLoad: 00000000`77c20000 00000000`77d2c000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll > ModLoad: 000007ff`7fc90000 000007ff`7fd2c000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll > (6f4.260): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance) > *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export > symbols for ntdll.dll - > ntdll!DbgBreakPoint: > 00000000`77ef2aa0 cc int 3 > 0:000> p > ntdll!DbgBreakPoint+0x1: > 00000000`77ef2aa1 c3 ret > 0:000> p > ntdll!LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcbc: > 00000000`77f1bbcc 8b95bc000000 mov edx,dword ptr [rbp+0BCh] > ss:000007ff`fffd70bc=00000070 > 0:000> p > ntdll!LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcc2: > 00000000`77f1bbd2 d1ea shr edx,1 > 0:000> p > ntdll!LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcc4: > 00000000`77f1bbd4 80e201 and dl,1 > 0:000> p > ntdll!LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcc7: > 00000000`77f1bbd7 8815bdb30800 mov byte ptr [ntdll! > NlsMbOemCodePageTag+0x882 (00000000`77fa6f9a)],dl ds:00000000`77fa6f9a=00 > 0:000> p > ntdll!LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xccd: > 00000000`77f1bbdd e9939bfbff jmp ntdll! > CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3b5 (00000000`77ed5775) > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3b5: > 00000000`77ed5775 488bb42410010000 mov rsi,qword ptr [rsp+110h] > ss:00000000`0022f7e0=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3bd: > 00000000`77ed577d 4885f6 test rsi,rsi > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3c0: > 00000000`77ed5780 0f855c640400 jne ntdll! > LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcd2 (00000000`77f1bbe2) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3c6: > 00000000`77ed5786 498bcd mov rcx,r13 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3c9: > 00000000`77ed5789 e852e2ffff call ntdll! > CsrClientConnectToServer+0x2f0 (00000000`77ed39e0) > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3ce: > 00000000`77ed578e 4533e4 xor r12d,r12d > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3d1: > 00000000`77ed5791 498bcf mov rcx,r15 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3d4: > 00000000`77ed5794 e8d78f0000 call ntdll! > RtlDeregisterWait+0x640 (00000000`77ede770) > 0:000> p > ModLoad: 000007ff`7d500000 000007ff`7d539000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL > ModLoad: 000007ff`7fee0000 000007ff`7ffe5000 C: > \WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll > ModLoad: 000007ff`7fd30000 000007ff`7fec9000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll > ModLoad: 000007ff`7e9c0000 000007ff`7e9e2000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll > ModLoad: 000007ff`69300000 000007ff`6930d000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\LPK.DLL > ModLoad: 000007ff`78e80000 000007ff`78f0e000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USP10.dll > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3d9: > 00000000`77ed5799 85c0 test eax,eax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3db: > 00000000`77ed579b 8bd8 mov ebx,eax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3dd: > 00000000`77ed579d 0f8861640400 js ntdll! > LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xcf4 (00000000`77f1bc04) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3e3: > 00000000`77ed57a3 833d86ea0c0000 cmp dword ptr [ntdll! > pow+0x2230 (00000000`77fa4230)],0 ds:00000000`77fa4230=00000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3ea: > 00000000`77ed57aa 0f858e640400 jne ntdll! > LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xd2e (00000000`77f1bc3e) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3f0: > 00000000`77ed57b0 488b8530020000 mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+230h] > ss:000007ff`fffd7230=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3f7: > 00000000`77ed57b7 4885c0 test rax,rax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x3fa: > 00000000`77ed57ba 0f85c7640400 jne ntdll! > LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xd77 (00000000`77f1bc87) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x400: > 00000000`77ed57c0 4d85ed test r13,r13 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x403: > 00000000`77ed57c3 0f85c6640400 jne ntdll! > LdrInitShimEngineDynamic+0xd7f (00000000`77f1bc8f) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x409: > 00000000`77ed57c9 33c0 xor eax,eax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x40b: > 00000000`77ed57cb e92ee6ffff jmp ntdll! > RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x10e(00000000`77ed3dfe) > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x10e: > 00000000`77ed3dfe 660f6fb424b0020000 movdqa xmm6,xmmword ptr > [rsp+2B0h] ss:00000000`0022f980=00000000000000000000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x117: > 00000000`77ed3e07 eb4a jmp ntdll! > RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x163(00000000`77ed3e53) > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x163: > 00000000`77ed3e53 488bb424f0020000 mov rsi,qword ptr [rsp+2F0h] > ss:00000000`0022f9c0=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x16b: > 00000000`77ed3e5b eb2a jmp ntdll! > RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x197(00000000`77ed3e87) > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x197: > 00000000`77ed3e87 4c8bbc24c8020000 mov r15,qword ptr [rsp+2C8h] > ss:00000000`0022f998={ntdll (00000000`77ec0000)} > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x19f: > 00000000`77ed3e8f 4c8bb424d0020000 mov r14,qword ptr [rsp+2D0h] > ss:00000000`0022f9a0=000000000022fab0 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1a7: > 00000000`77ed3e97 4c8bac24d8020000 mov r13,qword ptr [rsp+2D8h] > ss:00000000`0022f9a8=0000000000000003 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1af: > 00000000`77ed3e9f 4c8ba424e0020000 mov r12,qword ptr [rsp+2E0h] > ss:00000000`0022f9b0=0000000000000001 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1b7: > 00000000`77ed3ea7 488bbc24e8020000 mov rdi,qword ptr [rsp+2E8h] > ss:00000000`0022f9b8=000007fffffd7000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1bf: > 00000000`77ed3eaf 488bac2418030000 mov rbp,qword ptr [rsp+318h] > ss:00000000`0022f9e8=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1c7: > 00000000`77ed3eb7 488b9c2410030000 mov rbx,qword ptr [rsp+310h] > ss:00000000`0022f9e0=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1cf: > 00000000`77ed3ebf 488b8c24a0020000 mov rcx,qword ptr [rsp+2A0h] > ss:00000000`0022f970=0000000077c1653c > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1d7: > 00000000`77ed3ec7 e8b4fe0100 call ntdll! > RtlAllocateHeap+0x1f0 (00000000`77ef3d80) > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1dc: > 00000000`77ed3ecc 4881c4f8020000 add rsp,2F8h > 0:000> p > ntdll!RtlSetThreadPoolStartFunc+0x1e3: > 00000000`77ed3ed3 c3 ret > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x46f: > 00000000`77ed582f 8bd8 mov ebx,eax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x471: > 00000000`77ed5831 89442430 mov dword ptr [rsp+30h],eax > ss:00000000`0022fa00=00000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x475: > 00000000`77ed5835 85c0 test eax,eax > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x477: > 00000000`77ed5837 0f883a510400 js ntdll! > LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback+0x197 (00000000`77f1a977) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x47d: > 00000000`77ed583d 488b8f18030000 mov rcx,qword ptr [rdi+318h] > ds:000007ff`fffd7318=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x484: > 00000000`77ed5844 4885c9 test rcx,rcx > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x487: > 00000000`77ed5847 0f8563510400 jne ntdll! > LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback+0x1d0 (00000000`77f1a9b0) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x48d: > 00000000`77ed584d eb00 jmp ntdll! > CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x48f (00000000`77ed584f) > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x48f: > 00000000`77ed584f c605ba160d0000 mov byte ptr [ntdll! > NlsMbOemCodePageTag+0x7f8 (00000000`77fa6f10)],0 ds:00000000`77fa6f10=01 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x496: > 00000000`77ed5856 85db test ebx,ebx > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x498: > 00000000`77ed5858 0f88794c0200 js ntdll!wcsrchr+0x197 > (00000000`77efa4d7) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x49e: > 00000000`77ed585e 833d8b1b0d0000 cmp dword ptr [ntdll! > NlsMbOemCodePageTag+0xcd8 (00000000`77fa73f0)],0 ds:00000000`77fa73f0=00000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x4a5: > 00000000`77ed5865 0f8566510400 jne ntdll! > LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback+0x1f1 (00000000`77f1a9d1) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x4ab: > 00000000`77ed586b f0ff05821b0d00 lock inc dword ptr [ntdll! > NlsMbOemCodePageTag+0xcdc (00000000`77fa73f4)] ds:00000000`77fa73f4=00000001 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x4b2: > 00000000`77ed5872 8b5c2430 mov ebx,dword ptr [rsp+30h] > ss:00000000`0022fa00=00000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!CsrCaptureMessageBuffer+0x4b6: > 00000000`77ed5876 e95c4c0200 jmp ntdll!wcsrchr+0x197 > (00000000`77efa4d7) > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x197: > 00000000`77efa4d7 e8e476ffff call ntdll!NtTestAlert > (00000000`77ef1bc0) > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x19c: > 00000000`77efa4dc 85db test ebx,ebx > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x19e: > 00000000`77efa4de 0f8877050200 js ntdll! > LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback+0x27b (00000000`77f1aa5b) [br=0] > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1a4: > 00000000`77efa4e4 eb00 jmp ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1a6 > (00000000`77efa4e6) > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1a6: > 00000000`77efa4e6 488b9c24f8000000 mov rbx,qword ptr [rsp+0F8h] > ss:00000000`0022fac8=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1ae: > 00000000`77efa4ee 488bb424d0000000 mov rsi,qword ptr [rsp+0D0h] > ss:00000000`0022faa0=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1b6: > 00000000`77efa4f6 488bbc24c8000000 mov rdi,qword ptr [rsp+0C8h] > ss:00000000`0022fa98=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1be: > 00000000`77efa4fe 4c8ba424c0000000 mov r12,qword ptr [rsp+0C0h] > ss:00000000`0022fa90=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1c6: > 00000000`77efa506 4c8bac24b8000000 mov r13,qword ptr [rsp+0B8h] > ss:00000000`0022fa88=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1ce: > 00000000`77efa50e 4c8bb424b0000000 mov r14,qword ptr [rsp+0B0h] > ss:00000000`0022fa80=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1d6: > 00000000`77efa516 4c8bbc24a8000000 mov r15,qword ptr [rsp+0A8h] > ss:00000000`0022fa78=0000000000000000 > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1de: > 00000000`77efa51e 4881c4d8000000 add rsp,0D8h > 0:000> p > ntdll!wcsrchr+0x1e5: > 00000000`77efa525 c3 ret > 0:000> p > ntdll!KiUserApcDispatcher+0x15: > 00000000`77ef30a5 488bcc mov rcx,rsp > 0:000> p > ntdll!KiUserApcDispatcher+0x18: > 00000000`77ef30a8 b201 mov dl,1 > 0:000> p > ntdll!KiUserApcDispatcher+0x1a: > 00000000`77ef30aa e861ddffff call ntdll!NtContinue (00000000`77ef0e10) > 0:000> p > c.f90: In function 'MAIN__': > c.f90:1: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault > Please submit a full bug report, > with preprocessed source if appropriate. > See for instructions. > ntdll!ZwTerminateProcess+0xa: > 00000000`77ef0caa c3 ret > 0:000> This looks fine. What is the call stack looks like? And how does the function calling ntdll looks like? I think, you should step on an "int 3". Because you simply debug the exception handling routine itself. Cheers, i.A. Kai Tietz | (\_/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny | (='.'=) into your signature to help him gain | (")_(") world domination. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OneVision Software Entwicklungs GmbH & Co. KG Dr.-Leo-Ritter-Straße 9 - 93049 Regensburg Tel: +49.(0)941.78004.0 - Fax: +49.(0)941.78004.489 - www.OneVision.com Commerzbank Regensburg - BLZ 750 400 62 - Konto 6011050 Handelsregister: HRA 6744, Amtsgericht Regensburg Komplementärin: OneVision Software Entwicklungs Verwaltungs GmbH Dr.-Leo-Ritter-Straße 9 – 93049 Regensburg Handelsregister: HRB 8932, Amtsgericht Regensburg - Geschäftsführer: Ulrike Döhler, Manuela Kluger