Some interesting stats from the highly packed gcc repo.  The long chain
lengths very quickly tail off.  Over 60% of the objects have a chain
length of 20 or less.  If anyone wants the full list let me know.  I
also have included a few other interesting points, the git default
depth of 50, my initial guess of 100 and every 10% in the cumulative
distribution from 60-100%.

This shows the git default of 50 really isn't that bad, and after
about 100 it really starts to get sparse.  


1:      103817  103817  10.20%  1017922
2:      67332   171149  16.81%
3:      57520   228669  22.46%
4:      52570   281239  27.63%
5:      43910   325149  31.94%
6:      37520   362669  35.63%
7:      35248   397917  39.09%
8:      29819   427736  42.02%
9:      27619   455355  44.73%
10:     22656   478011  46.96%
11:     21073   499084  49.03%
12:     18738   517822  50.87%
13:     16674   534496  52.51%
14:     14882   549378  53.97%
15:     14424   563802  55.39%
16:     12765   576567  56.64%
17:     11662   588229  57.79%
18:     11845   600074  58.95%
19:     11694   611768  60.10%
20:     9625    621393  61.05%
34:     5354    719356  70.67%
50:     3395    785342  77.15%
60:     2547    815072  80.07%
100:    1644    898284  88.25%
113:    1292    917046  90.09%
158:    959     967429  95.04%
200:    652     997653  98.01%
219:    491     1008132 99.04%
245:    179     1017717 99.98%
246:    111     1017828 99.99%
247:    61      1017889 100.00%
248:    27      1017916 100.00%
249:    6       1017922 100.00%

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