> Sorry, but again, this is not a good enough justification to me.
> We do a lot of things different than "The GNU Project".
> So do plenty of parts of the "official GNU project".
> They use different coding standards, bug tracking systems, version
> control systems, checkin policies, etc, than each other.

Yes, but none of those are visible other than to the development community.
People who obtain the source distributions of projects don't get to see
those things.  They DO see things like the ChangeLog format and coding
and documentation conventions and THOSE are the things that need to be
common among GNU projects.

In my view, ChangeLog is mostly "write-only" from a developer's
perspective.  It's a document that the GNU project requires us to produce
for the benefit of people who DON'T want access to our checkin-logs, bug
tracking information, and mailing lsits.  But for our own development
purposes, we use the above information much more than ChangeLog.

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