On Mon, 26 Nov 2007, Paolo Bonzini wrote:

> On the other hand, if it is meant for human usage the file list is already a
> clue to spot "wrong" commits.  Then, an equivalent but more versatile feature
> request would be to have patches visible online, with URLs like
> http://gcc.gnu.org/viewcvs/?r1=119999r2=120000&view=patch (which would do a
> "svn diff -x -u -r119999 -r120000").  Such URLs currently work with files but
> not with directories.  I don't know how fundamental a problem with ViewVC and
> svn-python bindings this is.

The primary function is for a human reading the list (where patches 
directly inline in the message are by far preferable to URLs).

I believe the SVN log mailer supports mailing patches anyway.  So you 
could get 90% of the benefit by having the SVN mailer run twice for each 
commit, once with the present configuration for gcc-cvs and once with a 
different configuration (including patches, 10MB message size limit (and a 
similarly large limit for the list itself), truncating rather than 
splitting anything larger) for gcc-cvs-patches.

Joseph S. Myers

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