On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 15:49 -0700, Joe Buck wrote:

> People that put out distributions are rightly irritated when we pull stuff
> like this.  It's not even good enough to change "ext" to "backward", now
> you need an autoconf test to find the fine header, so your program
> compiles with both older and newer gcc's. 

So what? I have a binding for gcc hash containers. I *knew* when
I created it what the status was.

You can bet it is annoying having to use a configuration time
test (I wouldn't touch autoconf with a barge pole..), but
that is the price for tracking non-standard but desirable
or optional features.

I should point out retaining 'old' features can create a
significant maintenance burden for gcc developers, and as
such reduce the quality of the current and future implementations.

John Skaller <skaller at users dot sf dot net>
Felix, successor to C++: http://felix.sf.net

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