On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 11:19:31 +0100, Andrew Haley wrote:
> Please have a read of [1].  Let us know if anything you have observed
> isn't covered in that paper.
> [1] Hans-Juergen Boehm. Threads cannot be implemented as a library. In
> Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN 2005 Conf. on Programming Language
> Design and Implementation (PLDI), pages 261?268, Chicago, IL, June
> 2005.

Unfortunately I'm not lucky enough to have ACM access.  But from the

  We provide specific arguments that a pure library approach, in which
  the compiler is designed independently of threading issues, cannot
  guarantee correctness of the resulting code.

Can't agree less!  That's why for _practical_ reasons I'd say GCC
should be thread-aware, even if _theoretically_ it doesn't have to.
And AFAIU it already _is_, for the most part of it.  That's why I want
to see Bug#31862 be confirmed, accepted, and fixed.

   Tomash Brechko

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