* Was it useful the implementation of the complicated tree-ssa code waited for long time (many years)?
* Was it better the optimization without tree-ssa code? If doesn't exist a method for global optimization to use tree-ssa then * why did not it implement the simplest trial-and-error method for local optimization (e.g. minima/maxima local) following the K.I.S.S. principle without tree-ssa code? * why was it too complicated adding several optimization's features as instruction scheduling using tree-ssa code? * was not it too easy adding several optimization's features with trial-and-error and without tree-ssa code? * why both performance's measures will be different if both are following the same principle of local optimization when none uses global optimization? IMHO, A) with tree-ssa => many KLOCS. B) without tree-ssa and with trial-and-error => few KLOCS + more optimization's features + could outperfom better. There are other methods of search of minima/maxima local as Hill Climbing, Beam Search, Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search, A*, Alfa-Beta, Min-Max, Branch-and-Bound, Greedy, etc. The extension with more optimization's features is more easy without tree-ssa code. Sincerely, J.C. Pizarro ;)