On Sun, 2007-09-16 at 20:51 -0700, Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:

> Under Linux, gcc/g++-compiled code happily continues running after
> producing NAN and INF. Often it is time-consuming to backtrack to the
> actual source of the numerical problems. In addition, such problems may
> go undetected for some time, which can cause all kinds of confusion.

Yes, NaNs are quiet by default.

> Other platforms stop after a floating-point exception (e.g. HP's Tru64 Unix
> with cc/cxx), or support customizations of FPE behavior via environment
> variables (e.g. SGI's old IRIX). Is something like this possible with
> gcc/g++ under Linux?

This really has very little to do with GCC -- this list is for GCC
development.  Please try asking on the gcc-help mailing list, or a C
programming list.

Cheers, Ben

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