Hello all,

In case some of you are interested, we produced a new version 
of the Interactive Compilation Interface (ICI) for GCC
(the tarball for this release can be downloaded here:

To remind, the main aim of the Interactive Compilation Interface (ICI)
is to transform GCC into research compiler with minimal changes. 

In a new version we re-designed the ICI completely based on the 
valuable feedback from the users after the SMART'07 workshop and 
GCC HiPEAC'07 tutorial (many thanks to Cupertino Miranda 
who implemented most of it). The communication with the new ICI 
is now performed through a dynamically linked GCC plug-in written 
in C (however any high-level or scripting language can be used 
with a wrapper). 

Current implementation includes the ability to reorder or turn
specific GCC passes on and off on a function level. 
We currently work to implement all remaining functions 
of the specified interface, add passes to extract program
features and split analysis and optimization code to enable 
access to compiler transformations at a fine-grain level.
More info is available at the GCC-ICI project website:

I am also finishing/testing a new framework for
transparent iterative compilation for GCC 
(works with compiler flags and pass reordering) 
which I plan release in about 1.5 months...

Grigori Fursin

P.S. I am at the GREPS'07 workshop and PACT'07 conference 
at the moment so if some of you are there and have questions, 
I will be happy to have a chat ;) ...

Grigori Fursin, PhD
Research Scientist, INRIA Futurs, France

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