From: Andrew Walrond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 22:43:16 +0100

> And I apologise (to everyone) for any unnecessary rhetoric on my part; I
> freely admit that I designed my posts specifically to sparc (ahem) this
> debate, but I guess most of you knew that already ;)

The big issue you keep missing in all of your rediculious complaints
is that it takes a lot of time for a company to invest in future
potential revenue.

Most of Sun's resources are invested in things that make them money
right now and keep the lights on at their buildings and their employee
salaries paid.

Investing in better Linux Niagara support in the way that you want is
a huge risk, and you are only one very vocal customer and that does
not, in and of itself, translate into lots of revenue and lots of
profit for Sun.  In fact, it is not even guarenteed that you yourself
will buy lots of Niagara boxes to run Linux on, things change
sometimes unexpectedly.

So your expectations and judgments of Sun as a company are wholly
disconnected from reality.

Please stop this banter, and work on things to support what Sun has
done so far and things which will encourage them to do more in the

And _NO_ this does mean continuing to say that Sun isn't doing enough
to satisfy you, that discourages rather than encourages in case you
haven't gotten that message LOUD and CLEAR by now.

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