On 22 August 2007 11:13, Andrew Pinski wrote:

> On 8/21/07, tbp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> # /usr/local/gcc-4.3-svn.old6/bin/g++ vecop.cc
>> vecop.cc: In function 'T foo() [with T = float __vector__]':
>> vecop.cc:13:   instantiated from here
>> vecop.cc:4: error: invalid operands of types 'float __vector__' and
>> 'float __vector__' to binary 'operator|'
>> vecop.cc:5: error: invalid operands of types 'float __vector__' and
>> 'float __vector__' to binary 'operator&'
>> vecop.cc:6: error: invalid operands of types 'float __vector__' and
>> 'float __vector__' to binary 'operator^'
>> Apparently it's still there as of right now, on x86-64 at least. I think
>> this is not supposed to happen but i'm not sure, hence the mail.
> This is internally, float|float does not make sense so how can vector
> float | vector float make sense (likewise for & and ^).

float InvSqrt (float x){
    float xhalf = 0.5f*x;
    int i = *(int*)&x;
    i = 0x5f3759df - (i>>1);
    x = *(float*)&i;
    x = x*(1.5f - xhalf*x*x);
    return x;

  It's not exactly what you're referring to, but it's evidence in favour of the 
argument that we should never presume anything, no matter how unusual, might 
not have a reasonable use.  (However as I said, I'm not arguing against the 
error message, since it's still possible to express this intent using casts.)

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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