>> The default cpu is v8plus. > > v9 actually, which automatically enables the V8+ stuff in 32-bit mode.
That isn't what I see here. The output binary was definately for a v8plus processor. That would be a UltraSparc 1 at the least. ELF Header ei_magic: { 0x7f, E, L, F } ei_class: ELFCLASS32 ei_data: ELFDATA2MSB e_machine: EM_SPARC32PLUS e_version: EV_CURRENT e_type: ET_EXEC e_flags: [ EF_SPARC_32PLUS ] e_entry: 0x121a8 e_ehsize: 52 e_shstrndx: 20 e_shoff: 0x1ab50 e_shentsize: 40 e_shnum: 21 e_phoff: 0x34 e_phentsize: 32 e_phnum: 5 so .. there you have it. Dennis