
I successfully built the sh-elf cross compiler on the
x86/linux host enabled with libmudflap by specifying the 
correct entry point in libmudflap's configure file.
(newlib-1.15.0 was used)  
I compiled a simple c code with following options on 
linux shell:

sh-elf-gcc -fmudflap test.c -static -lmudflap -o test.out

Then I set the MUDFLAP_OPTIONS environment variable as 
-print-leaks and executed the generated test.out file on
the sh-elf simulator. Nothing got displayed.

Following code snippet from __mf_init() function present
in mf-runtime.c is causing problem:

ov = getenv ("MUDFLAP_OPTIONS");
  if (ov)
      int rc = __mfu_set_options (ov);
      if (rc < 0)
          __mf_usage ();
          exit (1);

  /* Initialize to a non-zero description epoch. */
  __mf_describe_object (NULL);

getenv("MUDFLAP_OPTIONS") function call returns NULL 
because __environ is pointing to null terminated pointer
array. Hence the options are not setting. 

How to make x86/linux shell's environment variable 
(MUDFLAP_OPTIONS) accessible to test.out while executing
it through the sh-elf simulator? 

Deepen Mantri

KPIT Cummins InfoSystems Ltd.
Pune, India

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