Mostly what I want is some discussion about what we expect this to mean as a formal rule, and how strictly we're expecting to interpret it. For values of "we" meaning both the GFortran maintainers, and the wider GCC maintainer community.

I agree with your intrepretation of this rule exactly as you stated it, and as it is stated on : approval of non-obvious patches is required as a rule, but the scope of "obvious" can be extended at times, and it's also possible to send a patch asking if anyone has comments, saying that you plan on committing it on a given date. I did change the Fortran maintainers from the standard category to this new one because it seemed close to what we currently do.

To come to the heart of the issue, I don't think it will be intepreted to our disadvantage by the GCC community. From the past, it seemed that the steering committee and release managers have kept to a simple line: the Fortran maintainers have a system that works, even though it's not completely the same as the usual GCC maintainership. If it works well, let's keep it that way. [1] I feel that we have a wide margin to make our decisions. After all, IIRC, the "mostly non-autopoiesis" system that we have is something we came up with, not the steering committee.

In short: I understand your point of view, and I think we have been given enough liberty for Fortran choices in the past not to worry about this MAINTAINERS category not 100% describing our policy.


[1] I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding the policy that is applied to us; and I want to note that I'm only speaking about maintainership, not the development and branches rules, for which we're going slowly toward the standard GCC practices.

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