2007/5/16, J.C. Pizarro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For instance, this tuple stored in the memory's cell of the user
process gives an idea

* number of quantum's subcontext: long64
* moment of time that the subcontext started: long64 (CPU cycles, from RDTSC)
* (optional) moment .... subcontext started: uint32 (Unix's seconds from 1970)
* etc.
I'm sorry, i forgot to put the fields of the finished moments of the previous
subcontext (or last subcontext).

* number of quantum's subcontext: long64
* moment of time that the subcontext started: long64 (CPU cycles, from RDTSC)
* moment of time that the subcontext finished: long64 (CPU cycles, from RDTSC)
* (optional) moment .... subcontext started: uint32 (Unix's seconds from 1970)
* (optional) moment .... subcontext finished: uint32 (Unix's seconds from 1970)
* etc.

Note: to request the seconds from 1970 of timer clock can be slow (or not) when
the things are measured in nanoseconds, so that by a design decision, it is
possible not to recommend the use of this slow request.

Sincerely yours, J.C.

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