I have updated the bounds checking patches for gcc 4.0.2 and 3.4.4 on
My patches are available from http://williambader.com/bounds/example.html
I have tested them under CentOS 4.4 Linux and Solaris/SPARC 10.
The patches add a -fbounds-checking flag that adds bounds checking tests to
pointer and array accesses. Richard Jones developed the patches against
gcc-2.7 in 1995. Herman ten Brugge is the current maintainer and updates
patches to the boundschecking project at sourceforge.
You may freely mix object modules compiled with and without bounds checking.
The bounds checker also includes replacements for mem* and str* routines and
can detect invalid calls against checked memory objects, even from modules
compiled without bounds checking.
You can run the bounds checking gcc from its build area using the script
For more build information, see the files created by the patches in
To build a bounds checking gcc:
cd /u/gnu # go to a work area
tar xzf gcc-x.y.tar.gz # unpack gcc
mv gcc-x.y bgcc-x.y # rename the gcc directory
cd bgcc-x.y # go to the bgcc directory
patch -p1 -T < gcc-x.y-bgcc-x.y.pat # apply the patches
touch gcc/c-parse.in # force a rebuild of .y and .c
mkdir objdir # make an object file area
cd objdir # enter the area
/u/gnu/bgcc-x.y/configure # initialize the build
make bootstrap # do the build
Here are some features of the patches:
* Modules compiled with and without bounds checking may be linked
together without special preparation.
o Checked pointers may be passed to modules compiled without
bounds checking.
o Structures containing pointers may be passed between modules
compiled with and without bounds checking.
* Modules compiled without bounds checking still check some pointer
o Checked pointers (pointers created by malloc or by modules
compiled with bounds checking) are checked in calls to the str* and mem*
library functions and in calls to modules compiled with bounds checking.
o The checks are similar to a malloc debug library, except more
powerful because they also check local and static variables created in
modules compiled with checking.
* The GCC_BOUNDS_OPTS environment variable passes options to the bounds
o The -never-fatal option continues after errors.
o The -print-heap option shows memory leaks.
William Bader
www: http://williambader.com
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