Andrew Haley wrote:
> It seems that no-one has investigated what is really going on.  All
> the gdb backtraces are without any debuginfo, and no-one has looked at
> where exactly the segfault happens.  No-one has looked at the source
> code that faults, or the assembly code generated by the compiler.

Yesterday, I asked the guy to compile with debug symbols and to redo the
trace. I'll keep you informed. I'll try to monitor him and get some more
information about it.

But if the bug disappear when -O2 is turned off, I do suspect
(*eventually*) some problem in the ARM back-end... Am I right ?

Emmanuel Fleury              | Room:  261
Associate Professor,         | Phone: +33 (0)5 40 00 69 34
LaBRI, Domaine Universitaire | Fax:   +33 (0)5 40 00 66 69
351, Cours de la Libération  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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