Dave Korn wrote on 04/23/07 14:26:

>   Has any of the Acovea research demonstrated whether there actually is any
> such thing as a "good default set of flags in all cases"?  If the results

Not Acovea itself.  The research I'm talking about involves a compiler
whose pipeline can be modified and resequenced.  It's not just a matter
of adding -f/-m flags.  The research I've seen does a fairly good job at
modelling AI systems that traverse the immense search space looking for
different sequences.

> obtained diverge significantly according to the nature/coding
> style/architecture/other uncontrolled variable factors of the application, we
> may be labouring under a false premise wrt. the entire idea, mightn't we?

Yes.  That's why it's called "research" ;)  I'm sure we'll get an earful
of at least a couple of these at the summit.

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