On 18 April 2007 12:35, Robert Dewar wrote:

> Dave Korn wrote:
>>   I think we should output the tree dumps in a combination of active JAXML
>> that lets you edit fonts and typestyles in real time, with embedded VRML so
>> that you can fly round a three-dimensional forest full of SSA trees
>> rendered in real time. 
>>   It would be nice if you could customize the bark texture used to render
>> the trees, too.
> Or perhaps we should just use Microsoft word format--so convenient for
> all gcc participants, and I am sure Microsoft will be happy to license
> any patents that are involved to us :-)

  Well, it's always good to comply with ISO standards[*], isn't it?  ;-)


[*] - No.  Not any more.
Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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